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Create Something Great!

I wanted to give a little update: Many of you have been thinking of me and praying for me as this is the end of the season (March/April every year) of cancer follow up testing for me. I really appreciate all of the support and wanted to let you know that I have gotten all good reports! I'm thanking God for good health and continuing to do what I know to do to take care of myself. Again I appreciate all of the support, thank you! As part of giving are some (hopefully) inspirational thoughts for your day:

Did you know that Storyteller Nation blog is also Storyteller Station podcast? And that Storyteller Station podcast is Storyteller Nation blog? Yeah, it is! So, you can consume the content I am putting out there in a number of ways! Also, I am considering how I might maneuver my way into video. But, this technologically challenged chic may need even more time for that. OR I can just go ahead and put up some crappy videos and learn along the way? We shall see. But whatever content I put out into the wide world, whether it be Storyteller Station podcast or Storyteller Nation blog my mission is to empower the listener/reader with my content. I hope to help others realize that they have a voice and that the story they would tell, whether fact or fiction, truth or fairytale, is worth being told! I want to encourage and inspire others to create something great, whatever that may be! Whether through word, song, photo or artwork, to express oneself is sheer and utter greatness!

It’s sad that we as individuals and as a society put judgements on so many things that would be, should be organically just simply “great”! I know my fear of the judgements of others has held me back from things, so many things, in the past. But over the course of the past four years I have been making efforts to put myself out there more and to create something great on an (almost) daily basis. Memes, pictures, live videos, podcast episodes and blog posts have been my m.o. for a little over 4 years now. For me, I really feel it’s about being honest, open and just putting something out there that could potentially encourage someone that keeps me going with it. I so much enjoy live video but because I watch so much video content, on YouTube especially, I’ve been cooking up some ideas of things to share over there. It’s just so much fun to think of new and creative ways to express yourself! It doesn’t really matter what other people think if you’re in it for the joy of it and to encourage or inspire others to get their creative out!

I want to launch a Create Something Great campaign to encourage everyone I know, everyone you know and just everyone to tell their story, let their creative out and to shine their light brightly! The tag line to Storyteller Station is a true belief of mine: Fact or fiction, truth or fairytale, we all have story to tell! And there is so much power, beauty and joy in the telling of our stories. Even the hard stories. This blog, this podcast was borne out of a very hard time for me with my second cancer diagnosis in 2015. It was then that I truly found my voice and wrote my first book Finding Myself...Facing Cancer. I had always wanted to write a book and with that second cancer diagnosis I realized there is no better time than the present to get to doing the things I love! I also realized it was time to share the things I wanted to share in hopes that others would follow suit for themselves. I wanted to share with others the empowerment and the joy that I had found in creative expression.

So...let’s do this! Let’s kick-off the Create Something Great campaign. I’ll get T-shirts made and everything! Let me know how you plan to Create Great in your life right now! Contact me in any or all the ways: leave me a message here or on my Facebook author page Sarah Fenlon Falk or join the Storyteller Nation Facebook group! And if you've heard the podcast and think that I’m creating great, please consider going over to iTunes and giving an honest rating of Storyteller Station podcast. I always welcome honest reviews of my books on Amazon as well!

That’s the show for today. I hope it has sparked something inside of you and encouraged you to think more about your own creativity. As always, friends, thanks for reading and until next time let's Create Something Great!

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