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Author Spotlight: Matt Mikalatos

Have you met Matt Mikalatos? Have you ever been exposed to any of his writing? If the answer to either question is no, then my friend, it is about time! Let me introduce you to an interesting character, a talented author and a tireless creator. Matt is the king of wit and satire, if you ask me, but you can find out for yourself. Oh and he has a fantastic pet rabbit named Bruce that you can follow on Instagram:

(Do it, go follow the rabbit and follow Matt while you’re at it!)

It’s a crying shame that it has been eight months since my conversation with Matt. As with many, 2020 knocked the wind out of my creative sails a bit and I have struggled to regain some momentum. Even though the recording sat on the proverbial shelf for so long, it was a delight to revisit my conversation with Matt. (

During our talk he shared a bit about how and when he started writing. And if you’ve read any of his work, fiction or nonfiction, you won’t be surprised to learn that Matt’s mission in writing is to produce fun, quality reads no matter the audience.

Unlike most authors in my circle, Matt is traditionally published. This means he has an agent and works with a publishing company. This made for interesting conversation and brought up so many questions!

If you’re interested in writing and publishing of any kind, you’ll love my conversation with Matt Mikalatos, which can be heard on Storyteller Station podcast. This will be the last interview episode on that podcast-historic!

You can also skip the conversation and head to to check out the man, the myth, the legend himself! Aaaaand if you’d prefer to skip to the middle grade series The Sunlit Lands, check out this site and watch the series trailer:

Your entry point to the works of Matt Mikalatos really doesn’t matter. Whatever you read from him, you’ll find depth, heart and humor, all of which constitute and excellent read if you ask me! Enjoy!


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